Welcome to Farm Jeep!


Welcome to FarmJeep.com! If you’re fascinated by the history of the post-WWII Willys Jeeps and how they became the first farm utility vehicles (FUVs), you’ve come to the right place. These versatile machines could quickly switch from truck to tractor to power unit, revolutionizing farm work.

While “Farm Jeep” technically refers to a specific model, we use the term for any Jeep adapted for tractor-like tasks. New to the Farm Jeep concept? Start with our overview article, “The Jeep As A Light Tractor.

Explore FarmJeep.com:

  • Blog: Stay up-to-date with the latest news, discoveries, and research on Farm Jeeps. Browse our past posts to see how our research has evolved.
  • Technical Info: Dive into the details of the hydraulic 3-point lifts (Love, Newgren, Monroe, and Stratton) and other equipment that transformed the Jeep into a true tractor.
  • Resources: This section is a treasure trove! Find links to websites, parts vendors (useful for your own Jeep projects), and a large collection of vintage ads, brochures, and even movies that showcase the Farm Jeep in action.
  • History: We’re passionate about accuracy. Explore articles we’ve written and published, and learn about our ongoing research projects into the history of Farm Jeeps and the companies behind their components.
  • Stories and Questions: Discover the personal stories of individuals who contributed to the Farm Jeep legacy. We attend shows to gather even more firsthand accounts. Check out our FAQ section for answers to common questions, and visit “Ask Farm Jeep” to see what others are curious about. You can also see our own Jeep projects that inspired FarmJeep.com.

Don’t Miss:

  • The Farm Jeep Movie: We’ve unearthed a 70+ year-old infomercial that beautifully demonstrates the capabilities of the Farm Jeep, including the Monroe lift and its use as a tractor. Watch the 26-minute movie here.

We’re constantly adding new content, so be sure to check back often!

Barry & Evan


The Farm Jeep


There are a few early civilian Jeeps known as AgriJeeps and in the early 1950s Willys officially produced a stripped-down CJ-3A as the official “Jeep Tractor,” and a slightly less stripped down “Farm Jeep” as seen the ad below from 1951. For our purposes Farm Jeeps are Willys Jeep (CJ-2As, CJ-3As, CJ-3Bs, CJ-5s, or CJ-6s) equipped with the optional power take-off (PTO) and aftermarket hydraulic implement lifts. These Jeeps are 4WD ¼ ton trucks that also perform as small farm tractors, this combination makes them Farm Jeeps.

Jeep Tractor / Farm Jeep Ad

Paul Lawson, Barry’s father-in-law and Evan’s grandfather, owned 3 “flat fender” Jeeps, including one with a 3 point hitch and PTO. When we (Barry and Evan) began restoring our 1947 Willys CJ-2A with a factory PTO, we immediately began searching and researching the necessary parts to convert our Jeep into a Farm Jeep. This website is an attempt to share the information we have gathered and document our progress in the restoration of the ’47 CJ-2A, the early (’49 or ’50) CJ-3A and the other associated Farm Jeep projects.

We are already indebted to many generous Jeepers and antique tractor lovers for their time and contributions of pictures, diagrams, information, and parts sources.

In the spring of 2017, we were asked to give a presentation on the history of the Jeep implement lifts. A summary of this presentation is presented below. For an in depth history you may wish to read these articles.

Articles and Research

As soon as we acquired our first Jeep we became interested in the histories of the companies that made the “Farm Jeep” work as a tractor. This site began and remains as a place to record our adventures with projects. But over the years it has become a repository of information about the components, especially the hydraulic lifts. In May of 2017 we were asked to make a presentation on the history of Jeep implement lifts at the Spring Willys Reunion. Following that presentation we were asked to write a series of articles for the Dispatcher magazine. The Dispatcher is a print-only magazine, so we have made the five-part series available here.

Since that time, along with writer and Monroe Auto Equipment Company historian Clint Dixon, we have continued to focus more on research and expanding our “Farm Jeep” knowledge. Our plan is to share what we discover here.

The Making of the Farm Jeep (Part 1) – Love Lift

The Making of the Farm Jeep (Part 2) – Newgren Lift

The Making of the Farm Jeep (Part 3) – Monroe Lift (1)

The Making of the Farm Jeep (Part 4) – Monroe Lift (2)

The Making of the Farm Jeep – The Final Chapter – Stratton Lift

Other articles by Barry

Farm Jeeps at Work (Farm Collector magazine)

Jeeps on the Farm (Farm Collector magazine)

Other articles by Clint Dixon

Jabez Love and the Empire Tractor

Research related posts


Research Resources

We have relied on the work of many individuals as we have combed the Web for information about Farm Jeeps. Though not exhaustive, the resources listed below form a list of who’s who that we look to when seeking expertise. We are also adding documents and library articles to this growing list.

The CJ2A Page -This Web site combines a collection of articles and stories with a very active forum. A number of individuals that we would label “experts and historians” hang out at this site as well as early Jeep owners with a wealth of technical knowledge.

The CJ3A Information Page – Bob Westerman’s site is linked multiple times on our pages. We will feature Bob in our Friends of Farm Jeep section.

The CJ3B Page – This Web site with over 1500 pages is a gold mine of historical and technical information.

The Dispatcher Magazine – This award winning publication is filled with fascinating articles. It is a must read for those interested in Jeep history.

The Tractor Field Book – “The standard reference book of the industry for the design, production and sale of tractors and power farm equipment.”  We currently have two editions (1951 and 1955) and have scanned some relevant pages.

Maybe in the future but not now…

Our first attempt at using ChapGPT as a digital research assistant was not a big success. Maybe later.