The newest edition of The Dispatcher magazine is out and Barry has the cover store. The article titled “How Henry Ford Saved the Jeep” looks at how Ford’s booting of his right-hand man of forty years changed the course of Willys-Overland. Charles E. Sorensen would bring his knowledge of the Ford 9N tractor, which he helped develop, to the design of a hydraulic lift for the Jeep. Sorensen also had to fight the Willys Board of Directors over what to build next; a much desired post-war car or Sorensen’s line of “utility vehicles.”
We, of course, think a subscription to The Dispatcher is worth it, just for this one article. Every issue is filled with articles of interest to anyone who loves old Jeeps. You can subscribe here. You can read the article here.
Dave at eWillys has reposted an article published just after the “Jeep Day” reveal of the CJ2a. We have added it to our early history section.