With the summer show season underway, we are asking for your help in collecting pictures of Farm Jeeps in the wild (or at least not on the internet). You can check out the complete Farm Jeep Spotter’s Guide, but the process is quite simple.
When you are at a Jeep show or an antique tractor show, just look for any model Jeep in the years 1945 to 1970. The model doesn’t matter. It can be a CJ2a, CJ3a, CJ3b, or CJ5. Look at the rear. If there is equipment back there under or in the bed, it is probably a Farm Jeep. Snap a picture or two with your phone and send them, along with your location, to barry@farmjeep.com or evan@farmjeep.com. It is that simple.
We will be building a gallery of pictures from around the country with your help. We won’t share your personal information Happy hunting!