It is the middle of June and antique machinery shows are in full swing. It is a great time to checkout shows near you. If you haven’t been to a show, you can expect to see a variety of tractors, farm equipment, working displays, and fair-style food. The shows are fun for the whole family.
While you are there, we would appreciate it if you would keep an eye out for any Farm Jeeps. The are easy to spot among the rows of red, green, and orange tractors. Check out our spotter’s guide if you want to learn how to recognize the different types of lifts.
We would also like for you to snap a photo or two to add to our collection of Farm Jeep’s in the wild that we have just started. Just send them to barry @ farmjeep.com (remove the spaces) along with location information. Other information appreciated, but not necessary
Not sure how to find shows near you? Just search for antique farm tractor shows. Hopefully, we will get to see you at one of the shows we attend.