We just finished our last show of the season. One of the joys of going to farm machinery shows is learning more about agricultural history in all its forms. When we arrived at this year’s Brown County Antique Machinery Show, we saw this monster yellow tractor. So we parked next to it.
The Brown Country show, although the smallest show we attend, remains a favorite. We get lots of local stories (the show is only twenty minutes are so from the Farm Jeep’s home) and almost always learn something new about farming. You can read about this year’s show here.
Bill Norris sent us a note about using his CJ2a that is chronicled in his Jeep story. We thought it would make a great follow-on to the story and we have added it to the page.
Happy farming.
Update – A face made for radio
I borrowed a line from the Car Talk guys when they did a TV show. Fred from the YouTube channel “Recommended by Fred” stopped by the Brown County show for a visit. He has posted the videos and I want to thank him for doing so. I can’t say I was thrilled about doing an interview, but Fred made it easy and I think he captured what Evan and I are trying to do.