We hope your new year is filled with joy and happiness and Farm Jeep fun.
eWillys.com is part of our Farm Jeep family. These pages contain dozens of links to eWillys posts and articles. You can read about Dave Eilers here. When Dave announced that eWillys would be shutting down, we were, of course, saddened. eWillys has been a part of our morning coffee routine for years. The same was true for thousands of others. The time was right for Dave to move on and we know he will continue to contribute to Willys and Farm Jeep history. This is not a goodbye, just cheers to Dave and Ann for a new beginning.
Tim Driscoll was one of those eWillys fans, and Tim has taken over the reins from Dave. What a gift to all of us that eWillys continues! The first post of the new year from Tim featured a Monroe lift. And in the tradition of Dave and eWillys, it contained a nugget of information we haven’t seen before. What a way to start a new year.
Welcome to the Farm Jeep family, Tim!
Barry & Evan