There are a few early civilian Jeeps known as AgriJeeps and in the early 1950s Willys officially produced a stripped-down CJ-3A as the official “Jeep Tractor,” and a slightly less stripped down “Farm Jeep” as seen the ad below from 1951. For our purposes Farm Jeeps are Willys Jeep (CJ-2As, CJ-3As, CJ-3Bs, CJ-5s, or CJ-6s) equipped with the optional power take-off (PTO) and aftermarket hydraulic implement lifts. These Jeeps are 4WD ¼ ton trucks that also perform as small farm tractors, this combination makes them Farm Jeeps.

Paul Lawson, Barry’s father-in-law and Evan’s grandfather, owned 3 “flat fender” Jeeps, including one with a 3 point hitch and PTO. When we (Barry and Evan) began restoring our 1947 Willys CJ-2A with a factory PTO, we immediately began searching and researching the necessary parts to convert our Jeep into a Farm Jeep. This website is an attempt to share the information we have gathered and document our progress in the restoration of the ’47 CJ-2A, the early (’49 or ’50) CJ-3A and the other associated Farm Jeep projects.
We are already indebted to many generous Jeepers and antique tractor lovers for their time and contributions of pictures, diagrams, information, and parts sources.
In the spring of 2017, we were asked to give a presentation on the history of the Jeep implement lifts. A summary of this presentation is presented below. For an in depth history you may wish to read these articles.